Not sure where to begin?
Getting started
Future Tigers
Newly admitted, or still deciding whether Mizzou is right for you? Get the info you need here. (International students: this page is for you, too!)
Info for New StudentsCurrent Students
Find resources for managing your financial aid throughout your college journey.
Info for Current StudentsParents & Families
Learn how to support your student and make informed decisions about the financial aid process.
Helping Your StudentGrad Students
Find info on financial aid for graduate and professional programs at Mizzou.
Info for Grad StudentsNeed help?
If you're feeling a little lost, take a look at our Help section or contact our office. We're here for you!
HelpThe University of Missouri is required by law to make available to enrolled students, prospective students, and their parents certain information about its operations.
Our Mission
The Office of Financial Aid promotes excellent customer service while educating students, families, campus and the community about Financial Aid resources in order to promote access in higher education. We strive to administer aid programs in an accurate and equitable manner while complying with federal, state, private and institutional rules and regulations.